Raman Desktop or Probe System


Available on backorder


Raman desktop system RAMANMS001D or Thorlabs Probe for minerals, gemstones, chemicals etc 532nm. This system is more sensitive than those that use a dichroic filter and standard microscope objective. XY stage and gem clamp for small specimens.
170cm-1 to 4000cm-1 0.3nm resolution, laser, spectrometer, case, 100mw 532nm. Spectral ranges, laser wavelength etc can be customized. Every Raman Spectrometer is custom built

Included is Optical Bench with all optics, filters, free space or fiber laser, usb spectrometer TEC cooled, optic fiber cable, software for acquiring and analysing spectra.

Laser safety enclosure to protect eyes

Specify 532nm or 785nm filter

Specify 170cm-1 or 250cm-1 cut off

Standard filter is 532nm with 250cm-1 cut off

Specify Raman Desktop or Thorlabs Probe