
Geolbases is a collection of rock and mineral databases for education and reference.
Geolbases is now completely re-written with Visual Studio and Net Framework. The new version 2.3 is available now.
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Geolbases (Site License)

Geolbases is a collection of rock and mineral databases for education and reference.
Geolbases is now completely re-written with Visual Studio and Net Framework. The new version 2.3 is available now.
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LogPlotMS is a Windows program for plotting drill hole/sample maps and drill logs. A wide variety of options allow the drill logs to be customized to your requirements. Designed for presenting and interpreting geological field data. LogPlotMS consists of 3 integrated modules built into one application. These 3 modules are:
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LogPlotMS (Site License)

LogPlotMS is a Windows program for plotting drill hole/sample maps and drill logs. A wide variety of options allow the drill logs to be customized to your requirements. Designed for presenting and interpreting geological field data. LogPlotMS consists of 3 integrated modules built into one application. These 3 modules are:
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Pointscan Point Counting

Use for point counting minerals/fossils or other science applications
Up to 33 different objects per session
Tracks total counts and individual counts
Tracks x and y position of counting session
Open, save and print results

PointScan Site License

Geolbases is a collection of rock and mineral databases for education and reference.
Geolbases is now completely re-written with Visual Studio and Net Framework. The new version 2 is available now.
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WinRock (Single License)

Winrock is now completely re-written with Visual Studio and Net Framework. The good news, now Winrock is specifically targeted for all CPUs, both 32 and 64 bit. The new version 8 is available now.
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WinRock (Site License)

Winrock is now completely re-written with Visual Studio and Net Framework. The good news, now Winrock is specifically targeted for all CPUs, both 32 and 64 bit. The new version 8 is available now.
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Winrock Wizard

The WinRock Rock Classification Wizard is a rock classification program for use with mineralogical data. The WinRock Rock Classification Wizard uses the International Union of Geological Sciences recommendations for igneous rock classification and uses modal mineralogy or XYZ data. Free to download in the Support Pages. Windows only
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Xplotter is a general purpose scientific graphing program for Windows. A wide variety of options allow the graphs to be customized to your requirements.
Xplotter is now completely re-written with Visual Studio and Net Framework. The good news, now Xplotter is specifically targeted for all CPUs, both 32 and 64 bit. The new version 4 is available now.
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XPlotter( Site License)

Xplotter is a general purpose scientific graphing program for Windows. A wide variety of options allow the graphs to be customized to your requirements.
Xplotter is now completely re-written with Visual Studio and Net Framework. The good news, now Xplotter is specifically targeted for all CPUs, both 32 and 64 bit. The new version 4 is available now.
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XRDCALC is a Windows powder diffraction utility for identifying phases, calculating and plotting powder diffraction data. XRDCALC calculates d-spacings and two-theta and plots digital scan files, two-theta or d-spacing vs intensity stick plots and peak profiles. Designed for mineral powder diffraction data.
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